Home > arrested, innocent, Pakistani Chile, Saif > News Brief: May 13th

News Brief: May 13th

Khan’s public defender, Francisco Geisse, said evidence thus far “doesn’t show the existence of a crime.

Khan “denied the accusations that he possessed explosive materials and the charges of links to terrorist organizations,” the statement said.

“The Embassy has not received any details regarding (criminal) charges or any solid evidence that establishes that Saifur Rehman (Khan) has any link with a terrorist organization or that he has the intention of committing a terrorist act at the U.S. Embassy in Santiago,” the statement added.

The brother of Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman, the Pakistani student arrested at the American Embassy this week,has spoken out in defence of his brother, denouncing claims that he is a terrorist.
According to the brother “has always been involved in charity fundraising to help the poor. Even during the Chilean earthquake he provided help and assistance to those affected. Our family is going through immense emotional distress.”
Reports have suggested Rehman was called last Friday and requested to attend a meeting at the American embassy on Monday at 3pm to discuss visa details.  After seeking advice from staff at the Pakistani embassy, Rehman agreed to the meeting.
So far the family has not been able to contact Rehman.
An intense search was performed by officers of the Special Operations Group on the apartment of an Egyptian citizen living in  Nuñoa, accused of allegedly being in contact with the Pakistani student arrest at the U.S. embassy on Monday.
Police arrived at the apartment building located Manuel Montt street 2629, where they located the apartment of the man, known as “The Egyptian.”
According to reports, at 7am this morning Police raided the apartment occupied by 2 women and 1 man.  The suspect was located inside the apartment at the time of the raid and was questioned by an assistant prosecutor Francisco Jacir.  Crime Lab officers are still running test on the apartment.
Police so far have not revealed if they found anything in the apartment to suggest “The Egyptian” had been associated with the explosive material.
Cristián Parra, who lives in the same building, said he saw people with Muslim attire in the place but admitted that he never say anything strange or unusual.
The police, in conjunction with the Fiscalía Oriente will continue examining others close to Rehman in order to establish where the explosives residue may have originated from.
The story is still developing at this time.

The brother of Mohammed Saif Ur Rehman, the Pakistani student arrested at the American Embassy this week,has spoken out in defence of his brother, denouncing claims that he is a terrorist.
According to the brother “has always been involved in charity fundraising to help the poor. Even during the Chilean earthquake he provided help and assistance to those affected. Our family is going through immense emotional distress.”Reports have suggested Rehman was called last Friday and requested to attend a meeting at the American embassy on Monday at 3pm to discuss visa details.

After seeking advice from staff at the Pakistani embassy, Rehman agreed to the meeting.So far the family has not been able to contact Rehman.
An intense search was performed by officers of the Special Operations Group on the apartment of an Egyptian citizen living in  Nuñoa, accused of allegedly being in contact with the Pakistani student arrest at the U.S. embassy on Monday.Police arrived at the apartment building located Manuel Montt street 2629, where they located the apartment of the man, known as “The Egyptian.”According to reports, at 7am this morning Police raided the apartment occupied by 2 women and 1 man.  The suspect was located inside the apartment at the time of the raid and was questioned by an assistant prosecutor Francisco Jacir.  Crime Lab officers are still running test on the apartment.Police so far have not revealed if they found anything in the apartment to suggest “The Egyptian” had been associated with the explosive material.Cristián Parra, who lives in the same building, said he saw people with Muslim attire in the place but admitted that he never say anything strange or unusual.The police, in conjunction with the Fiscalía Oriente will continue examining others close to Rehman in order to establish where the explosives residue may have originated from.The story is still developing at this time.


  1. December 1, 2010 at 6:38 pm

    Siempre creí en la inocencia de Saif y, cuando lo entrevisté, supe que todo era un montaje de las policías chilenas, del ministro Hinzpeter y de la embajada norteamericana, pero más aún del pensamiento policíaco-represivo del actual gobierno chileno. Es una verguenza y Saif con su familia han sufrido mucho. El Estado chileno debe ser demandado por este caso y el denominado caso bombas, donde varios jóvenes permanecen encarcelados desde hace meses acusados de diversos delitos. También en el tema mapuche se actúa con racismo y prepotencia.
    Como periodista, me averguenza también que la mayoría de los medios de comunicación, comenzando por el duopolio Mercurio-Copesa, hayan crucificado públicamente a Saif Khan y la opinión pública, -que no tiene opinión- se traga esa mentira.
    Publiqué en distintos medios de comunicación alternativos artículos al respecto (el ciudadano.cl, elmostrador.cl, granvalparaiso.cl, clarinet.cl) y en mi blog: http://cavilacionesyotrasyerbas.blogspot.com) y me siento feliz de que s ehaya hecho algo de justicia.

  2. Mirka Schneider
    May 15, 2010 at 12:19 am

    yo soy recepcionista del hotel donde el estaba haciendo su practica pasabamos dias entero juntos, conversando, estudiando, enseñandome hablando de la vida y de tantos sueños que qeremos cumplir el es una persona inteligente educado estan en un grave error el no es de esa clase de personas al contrario es muy amable y un caballero se estan equivocando lastima que sea mi pais… me siento orgullosa de ser chilena pero lo que es la justicia me da verguenza…es como si estuvieran vurlando de ti!(sufri un accidente el tipo me dejo discapacitada y solo le dieron la orden de no volver a conducir por 3 años…. y yo qedar asi toda mi vida por una cosa que nunk hize) Khan yo estoy contigo mucha fuerza! Dios te va ayudar!
    Un abrazo enorme Mirka Schneider!

  3. Maria
    May 14, 2010 at 11:34 pm

    He vivido en países donde han sufrido ataques terroristas, si una persona es terrorista llega y explota todo, no va a una embajada con restos explosivos. Creo que este joven, al cual no conozco, le han tendido una trampa, lo invitaron bajo una falsa premisa para acusarlo injustamente y justificar la guerra contra el terrorismo. ¿por qué si sospechaban de él no lo detuvieron hace 6 meses? ¿Por qué pudo viajar tranquilamente por el mundo si estaba en una lista de terrorismo?..porque es inocente.

  4. patricio
    May 14, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    si bien no conozco la cultura islamica, encuentro muy extraña la forma en que se dice que este joven fue detenido, se supone que en chile existe el principio de inocencia, y este debiera ser aplicado. no podemos dejarnos llevar por las diferencias culturales, ni discriminar a las personas por su culto religioso. no todos los que siguen el islam son terroristas, es como decir que todos los chilenos somos ladrones, solo por que unos cuantos cometen esos actos en elextrajero.

  5. shabnam massey omar
    May 14, 2010 at 5:16 pm

    hi there,its true that he is an innocent person we hope that our sleeping government should take initiatives in showing guts for a Pakistani student whose interest is only studies as for us its important to stand together in looking in to the true picture about saif as for family its difficult to handle such situation if it is not brought to an end no pakistani will send their children abroad for higher education.its not done that every time a pakistani is framed as we are the victims of worse terrorism i am a christian and same goes with us as we r also Pakistanis,wake up dear government,hope this could bring a light of hope in bringing him home

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