Home > arrested, Free, innocent, Pakistani Chile, Saif > Saif’s parents speak at a press conference in Islamabad – May 23rd, 2010

Saif’s parents speak at a press conference in Islamabad – May 23rd, 2010

Saif’s parents make a press conference in Islamabad and presented the video recorded by Saif before the Chilean court ruled against his freedom. Videos available in the “Saif-Video” page on this website.

Justice delayed is justice denied!!!

La justicia retrasada es justicia denegada!

  1. Saad Ahmed
    May 24, 2010 at 5:16 am

    What kind of example the courts of Chile are leaving for their next generations. To detain a person who is a foreigner and knows nothing about his rights and how to use them. They are detaining him only on the basis of assumptions and without any proof. He has been living in Chile for four months and now they feel he is a “danger to the society” only because he was a Muslim or Pakistani, or it is the US. They should not forget his efforts in helping the Chileans after the earthquake. At that time he was also facing the problems, he could left the country if he wanted, but as a devoted citizen he indulged himself in aiding the homeless people and chose to help them voluntarily.
    There is still time to show that the Chilean justice system is based on truth and doesn’t come under anyones pressure. VIVA CHILE

  2. Dani
    May 23, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    No puedo creer lo que estoy viendo
    mientras homicidas, violadores y otros criminales se pasean libres por las calles Saif es nuevamente detenido por NADA.
    Soy chilena y todo mi apoyo está con él
    libertad para Saif ahora!!


    Idon’t believe my eyes
    Whereas murderers, rapists and other offenders walk free on streets Saif is once again detained due to NOTHING
    I am a chilean national and all my suport is with him
    release for Saif now!!

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